For further details about workshop content, please refer to theĀ workshop booklet. You need to register (see below) before you can participate in this workshop.

Date and time: 25-11-2021, 11:00-13:00, onsite in room listed below except in case of a high number of registrations (>15)

Workshop host: Thomas Frissen

Registration: (Links to an external site.)

Room (register first): Zwingelput 4, D 0.037

Preparation before the workshop:

This workshop has three requirements: (1) you need a computer (with administrator rights), (b) You need to have R and Rstudio installed on your machine (they are both totally free), (c) you need a Twitter account (can be just one for this course). There are videos on YouTube that explain how to install R / RStudio on your machine. For example:

Please come prepared. We will not have time during the workshop to go over the installation. If you run into problems, please contact the workshop host ( before the workshop starts.